Executive Staff

Jim Sharp
Fire Chief

Mike Boltz
Deputy Chief

Hallie McCurdy
Deputy Chief

Scott Adams
Assistant Chief

Michael Dobbs
Assistant Chief

Ernst Hebeisen
Assistant Chief

Tammy Lamb
Executive Assistant

Ryan McGrady
Assistant Chief

Koree Wick
Director of Administrative Services & Finance

Julie Walker
Human Resource Manager
Elected Officials

Bart Dalton, Board Chair
Position 1, 2020-2025
Commissioner Dalton was born in Shelbyville, Indiana. He married his High School sweetheart, Barb, in 1970. He attended Miami University of Ohio for his BA and Southern Illinois University for his MBA. He spent five years in the Air Force as a radar controller and got out at the rank of Captain. After the Air Force, he started a career in the Financial Advising arena and has been in that field since 1979. He has been working for Edward Jones & Company since 1990.
He and his wife have two grown children. Their son lives and works in the United Kingdom and has two children. Their daughter lives in DuPont, teaches at Clover Park High School, and coaches women’s soccer at the St. Martin’s University. She also has two children.
Commissioner Dalton has over 30 years of community service in the Lakewood/University Place community. He has served on various boards and committees from foundations, schools, chambers and clubs. He is a past president of the local Kiwanis club and still serves on its board of directors. He started his service with the local fire department community with helping with a strategic planning effort in 2000. Since then he has been on its Civil Service board, co-chaired levy and bond boards and is currently a commissioner.

John Clancy, Board Vice Chair
Position 2, 2022-2027
Commissioner Clancy attended the University of Puget Sound where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications in 1985. He has represented the Citizens of the District since 2004 as a Fire Commissioner, having served as Chair and Vice-Chair during that time. Commissioner Clancy has lived in Lakewood since 1969 and has three sons. He has had the opportunity to serve the community in many ways, including being a committee member of Clover Park Citizen’s Committee for Schools and a volunteer for Paint Tacoma-Pierce County Beautiful.

Scott Casebolt
Position 3, 2024-2029
Commissioner Casebolt retired from a 42-year fire service career in 2018. After four years of volunteering, he was hired by Tacoma Fire in April of 1980 serving in many capacities, including Paramedic for 29 years, and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2013. He then served as Fire Chief in Tangent, Oregon, for five years, retiring again in 2018. He was previously a fire Commissioner with Gig Harbor Fire & Medic One from 2007-2013.
He is currently working part-time as an Adjunct Faculty in the Fire Service Leadership and Management degree program at Pierce College. Commissioner Casebolt has an Associate in Applied Sciences and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management, and has attended multiple classes at the National Fire Academy. In his spare time he plays the bagpipes with Puget Sound Firefighters Pipes & Drums.
Commissioner Casebolt resides in Lakewood with his wife JoAnn. Together, they have two grown children and two grandchildren.

Dave Durr
Position 4, 2022-2027
Commissioner Durr’s family moved to Lakewood from Montana in 1967. He attended Dower Elementary, Lochburn Junior High and Clover Park High School. He crammed four years of college into seven, following graduation in 1978, and ultimately graduating from PLU with a BA in Education. While in college he had 11 different part-time jobs, one of which was working for a fellow student painting contractor. This job eventually turned into a venture of his own as a painter (working out of the trunk of his car). He taught middle school special education for two years following college but returned to contracting full-time in 1987, which is their work currently.
In 1985, he married his high school sweetheart, Teri, and have been blessed with three sons. Connor is married and is a Youth Pastor in Portland. Noah is a firefighter with Portland Fire, and Parker is a finance major at Whitworth University in Spokane, finishing this year. Daily life is consumed with work, some leadership involvement with their church in Olympia, and enjoying the rich relationships that many years in this community has nurtured. He is honored to be filling this commissioner post and happy to part of the team.

Marshal (Scott) Dellinger
Position 5, 2025-2025
Commissioner Dellinger, a Lakewood resident, serves as a Captain with the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority, where he has worked for 27 years. He retired from the U.S. Air Force Reserves in 2019 after 32 years of military service. He also serves on the board of The Daffodil Festival.